1 or more times repetition quantifier +


What is the 1 or more times repetition quantifier? How to use it?

How to write a regular expression using a repetition quantifier to capture all words in a PHP script code like this: function get($key) {if (array_key_exists($key,$_POST)) return $_POST[$key]; else return "";}?

✍: FYIcenter.com


--- Answer

The "1 or more times" repetition quantifier allows us to repeat a pattern unit 1 or more times (i.e., at least once) in the matching process. The "1 or more times" repetition quantifier character is '+' and it needs be placed immediately after the pattern unit. For example:

\d+            # matches '888' and '99' from '$888.99'
(really )+bad  # matches 'really really really bad'

The regular expression to capture all words in a text file is:


\w+ - matches 1 or more word characters

Click the button to test this regular expression here online:

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