n or more times repetition quantifier {n,}


What is the "n or more times" repetition quantifier? How to use it?

How to write a regular expression using a repetition quantifier to capture the value of PI like: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971 with a precision of at least 5 decimal digits?

✍: FYIcenter.com


The "n or more times" repetition quantifier allows us to repeat a pattern unit at least n or more times. The "n or more times" repetition quantifier '{n,}' and it needs be placed immediately after the pattern unit. For example:

\d{10,}   # matches '6973738433' from 'World population: 6973738433'

The regular expression to capture the value of PI with a precision of at least 5 decimal digits::


3\. - matches '3.'
\d{5,} - repeats \d at least 5 times

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