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Capturing response status code from Apache Web log file
How to capture the response status code from Apache Web log file? Here are some Apache Web log file entries: - frank [10/May/2012:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326 "-" "-" "-" - - [13/May/2012:17:35:32 -0600] "POST /submit.jsp HTTP/1.0" 200 2326 "-" "-" ...
2013-02-04, 3871👍, 0💬

Capturing response message size from Apache Web log file
How to capture the response message size from Apache Web log file? Here are some Apache Web log file entries: - frank [10/May/2012:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326 "-" "-" "-" - - [13/May/2012:17:35:32 -0600] "POST /submit.jsp HTTP/1.0" 200 1024 "-" "-"...
2013-02-04, 3771👍, 0💬

Capturing referer URL from Apache Web log file
How to capture the referer URL from Apache Web log file? Here are some Apache Web log file entries: - frank [10/May/2012:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326 "-" "-" "-" - - [13/May/2012:17:35:32 -0600] "POST /submit.jsp HTTP/1.0" 200 1024 "-" "-" "SID=1000...
2013-02-04, 3223👍, 0💬

Capturing user agent from Apache Web log file
How to capture the user agent from Apache Web log file? Here are some Apache Web log file entries: - frank [10/May/2012:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326 "-" "-" "-" - - [13/May/2012:17:35:32 -0600] "POST /submit.jsp HTTP/1.0" 200 1024 "-" "-" "SID=1000;...
2013-02-04, 3214👍, 0💬

Capturing cookie string from Apache Web log file
How to capture the cookie string from Apache Web log file? Here are some Apache Web log file entries: - frank [10/May/2012:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326 "-" "-" "-" - - [13/May/2012:17:35:32 -0600] "POST /submit.jsp HTTP/1.0" 200 1024 "-" "-" "SID=10...
2013-02-04, 3180👍, 0💬

Capturing authenticated user name from Apache Web log file
How to capture the authenticated user name from Apache Web log file? Here are some Apache Web log file entries: - frank [10/May/2012:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326 "-" "-" "-" - - [15/May/2012:19:21:49 -0400] "GET /features.htm HTTP/1.1" 200 9955 "htt...
2013-02-03, 2949👍, 0💬

Capturing timestamp from Apache Web log file
How to capture the timestamp from Apache Web log file? Here are some Apache Web log file entries: - frank [10/May/2012:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326 "-" "-" "-" - - [15/May/2012:19:21:49 -0400] "GET /features.htm HTTP/1.1" 200 9955 "http://www.abc.co...
2013-02-03, 3605👍, 0💬

Capturing host name from Apache Web log file
How to capture the remote host name from Apache Web log file? Here are some Apache Web log file entries: - frank [10/May/2012:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326 "-" "-" "-" - - [15/May/2012:19:21:49 -0400] "GET /features.htm HTTP/1.1" 200 9955 "http://www...
2013-02-03, 2904👍, 0💬

Parsing all elements of URL addresses
How to parse out all elements from URL addresses with a regular expression? Here are URL address examples: ftp://ftp.example.org/ https://login.example.com:5800 /?mode=guest&lang=enhttp://www.google.com:80/api/e xample/submit.php?name=joe#newfile://localhost/c|/WINDOWS/do cument.html#chapter1URL...
2013-02-03, 3552👍, 0💬

Capturing fragment id from URL
How to capture fragment id from URL addresses with a regular expression? Here are URL address examples: ftp://ftp.example.org/ https://login.example.com:5800 /?mode=guest&lang=enhttp://www.google.com:80/api/e xample/submit.php?name=joe#newfile://localhost/c|/WINDOWS/do cument.html#chapter1URL ad...
2013-02-03, 3270👍, 0💬

Capturing query string from URL
How to capture query string from URL addresses with a regular expression? Here are URL address examples: ftp://ftp.example.org/ https://login.example.com:5800 /?mode=guest&lang=enhttp://www.google.com:80/api/e xample/submit.php?name=joe#newfile://localhost/c|/WINDOWS/do cument.html#chapter1URL a...
2013-02-03, 3098👍, 0💬

Capturing path name from URL
How to capture path name from URL addresses with a regular expression? Here are URL address examples: ftp://ftp.example.org/ https://login.example.com:5800 /?mode=guesthttp://www.google.com:80/api/e xample/submit.php?name=joe#newfile://localhost/c|/WINDOWS/do cument.html#chapter1URL addresses are wr...
2013-02-03, 3499👍, 0💬

Capturing port number from URL
How to capture port number from URL addresses with a regular expression? Here are URL address examples: ftp://ftp.example.org https://login.example.com:5800 /http://en.wikipedia.org:80/wik i/WWW.html#Historyfile://localhost/c|/WINDOWS/cl ock.aviURL addresses are written in this format: scheme://doma...
2013-02-03, 2803👍, 0💬

Capturing scheme name from URL
How to capture scheme name from URL addresses with a regular expression? Here are URL address examples: ftp://asmith@ftp.example.org https://login.example.com:5800 /http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W WW.html#Historyfile://localhost/c|/WINDOWS/cl ock.aviURL addresses are written in this format: scheme://...
2013-02-03, 3288👍, 0💬

Capturing domain name from URL
How to capture scheme name from URL addresses with a regular expression? Here are URL address examples: ftp://ftp.example.org https://login.example.com:5800 /http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W WW.html#Historyfile://localhost/c|/WINDOWS/cl ock.aviURL addresses are written in this format: scheme://domain:...
2013-02-03, 2988👍, 0💬

Finding repeating words in a document
How to find repeating words in a text document with a regular expression? An example text document is listed below: After narrowly escaping a sensitive decapitation, Bond Bond is shot with a tranquilizer gun. He wakes up up on a plane to a woman standing over him, who introduces herself: "My name is...
2013-02-03, 2802👍, 0💬

Capturing attributes of XML elements
How to capture attributes of XML elements in XML documents? An example XML document is listed below: The regular expression to capture attributes of XML elements in an XML document can be written as: ([^\s=]+)\s*=\s*"((?:[^"]*\")* [^"]*)"Note that: ([^\s=]+) - Attribute name ((?:[^"]*\")*[^"]*) - At...
2013-02-02, 2959👍, 0💬

Finding & characters in HTML document
How to find &amp; characters that are not part of HTML entities in HTML code? The the example HTML code is listed below: a & b c &amp; d a &lt; b c &#8364; d c && d The regular expression to find &amp; characters that are not part of HTML entities in an HTML document ...
2013-02-02, 3307👍, 0💬

Finding mismatching quotes in a code line
How to find mismatching quotes "..." in a program code line with a regular expression? The the example program code is listed below: error = "Line "+line+" position "+position+" has invalid character "+char; warning = "The quote character (") may cause problem at line "+line+" position "+position; T...
2013-02-02, 2931👍, 0💬

Parsing directory name and size from Windows "dir" command
How to write a regular expression to parse directory name and total file size from the output of Windows "dir" command? Here is an example output of the "dir" command: Directory of C:\Windows\system 07/13/2009 11:52 PM . 07/13/2009 11:52 PM .. 06/10/2009 04:21 PM 69,584 avicap.dll 06/10/2009 04:21 P...
2013-02-01, 6258👍, 0💬

Parsing directory entries from Windows "dir" command
How to write a regular expression to parse sub directory entries from the output of Windows "dir" command? Here is an example output of the "dir" command: Directory of C:\Windows 12/15/2012 09:24 AM . 12/15/2012 09:24 AM .. 07/13/2009 11:52 PM addins 01/19/2012 10:48 AM AppCompat 11/29/2012 09:16 AM...
2013-02-01, 3666👍, 0💬

Parsing header lines of an email message
How write a regular expression to capture all header lines from an email message like this: Return-Path: X-Original-To: test@example.com Delivered-To: test@example.com Message-ID: Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 11:26:29 +0200 From: Example Sender To: Example Receiver Subject: Email example Hello Joe, It was...
2013-02-01, 3024👍, 0💬

Parsing file entries from Windows "dir" command
How to write a regular expression to parse file entries from the output of Windows "dir" command? Here is an example output of the "dir" command: Directory of C:\Windows\System32 01/30/2013 11:44 AM . 01/30/2013 11:44 AM .. 07/13/2009 11:56 PM 0409 01/16/2012 10:13 PM 1033 06/10/2009 04:16 PM 2,151 ...
2013-02-01, 4918👍, 0💬

Parsing the "To:" field from emails
What would be the correct regex pattern to extract email addresses from a string coming from an email form "To" line, that allows the addresses to be delimited by commas ",", semicolons ";", or spaces? For example, the following "To" line contains 4 email addresses: "Joe Smith" , joe@aol.com; someon...
2013-01-30, 3040👍, 0💬

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