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Greediness of quantified subpatterns
What is the greediness of quantified subpatterns? What does it mean that a quantified subpattern is "greedy"? How to show that a quantified subpattern is "greedy" on this PHP script: if ($t=10): echo "Just started...!"; endif; if ($t=11): echo "Hungry!"; endif; if ($t=12): echo ""Ah, lunch-time!"; e...
2013-01-26, 2931👍, 0💬

End of string anchor $
What is the "end of string" anchor in a regular expression? How to use it? How to write a regular expression using "end of string" anchor to validate words ending in 'z': quartz ? The "end of string" anchor is an atomic zero-width assertion specifing that the match must occur at the end of the strin...
2013-01-26, 3059👍, 0💬

Start of string anchor ^
What is the "start of string" anchor in a regular expression? How to use it? How to write a regular expression using "start of string" anchor to validate discover credit card numbers like: 6011963280099774 ? The "start of string" anchor is an atomic zero-width assertion specifing that the match must...
2013-01-26, 2887👍, 0💬

Expresso editor
What functions are offered by Expresso editor? The award-winning Expresso editor is equally suitable as a teaching tool for the beginning user of regular expressions or as a full-featured development environment for the experienced programmer or web designer with an extensive knowledge of regular ex...
2013-01-25, 4023👍, 0💬

Regex Coach
What functions are offered by Regex Coach? The Regex Coach is a graphical application for Windows which can be used to experiment with (Perl-compatible) regular expressions interactively. It has the following features: It shows whether a regular expression matches a particular target string. It can ...
2013-01-25, 3841👍, 0💬

What functions are offered by JRegexpTester? JRegexpTester is a standalone Swing application that helps you test regular expressions with the Sun Java standard API (java.util.regex). The extracted data can be modified with formatters similar to those used by sprintf, or with standard Java date and d...
2013-01-25, 3427👍, 0💬

What functions are offered by regex.larsolavtorvik.com? regex.larsolavtorvik.com is a regular expression online testing tool with PHP PCRE, PHP POSIX, JavaScript engines. regex.larsolavtorvik.com
2013-01-25, 3913👍, 0💬

What functions are offered by regexpal.com? regexpal.com is a JavaScript regular expression tester. regexpal.com
2013-01-25, 3863👍, 0💬

What functions are offered by REGex TESTER? REGex TESTER site allows you to do a regex test, i.e. it utilizes JavaScript (AJAX) to instantly validate regular expressions (regex), by searching and replacing strings in a text based on the regular expression. The result is live, it is updated instantly...
2013-01-25, 3652👍, 0💬

What resources are offered at RegexAdvice.com? You'll find regular expression forums and blogs here at RegexAdvice.com. If you're looking for help with a particular expression, check out the Construction Advice forum. You should also search for regular expressions in the regular expression library. ...
2013-01-25, 3716👍, 0💬

PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
What is PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions)? The PCRE library is a set of functions that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl 5. PCRE has its own native API, as well as a set of wrapper functions that correspond to the POSIX regular express...
2013-01-25, 3570👍, 0💬

Backreferences \g1, \g2, ...
What is a backreference? How to use a backreference? How to write a regular expression using a backreferences to capture 5-letter reversible words in a text string like this: civic, level, radar, rotor or stats ? Backreferences are references representing catured sub strings already matched in earli...
2013-01-23, 5891👍, 0💬

Pattern groups (...)
What is pattern group? What are pattern groups used for? How to write a regular expression using groups to capture character names from the Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy animated comedy television series? The grouping mechanism allows a part of a regex to be treated as a single unit. A group is represented by re...
2013-01-23, 3106👍, 0💬

Negated word character class - \W
What is abbreviation of a negated character class of all word characters? Does it represents any characters except alphanumeric plus '_' characters? How to write a regular expression using a character class abbreviation to capture all sequences of non word characters in a PHP script code like this: ...
2013-01-23, 4014👍, 0💬

Word character class - \w
What is abbreviation of a character class of all word characters? Does it represents any alphanumeric plus '_' characters? How to write a regular expression using a character class abbreviation to capture all words in a PHP script code like this: function get($key) {if (array_key_exists($key,$_POST) ...
2013-01-23, 4558👍, 0💬

Negated white space character class - \S
What is abbreviation of a negated character class of all white space ASCII characters? Does it represents any characters except white space characters? How to write a regular expression using a character class abbreviation to capture tokens separated by white space characters in a text string like t...
2013-01-23, 3917👍, 0💬

White space character class - \s
What is abbreviation of a character class of all white space ASCII characters? How to write a regular expression using a character class abbreviation to capture all white space characters in a text string like this: Name: Jack; Age: 25; City: Paris ? The predefined abbreviation of a character class ...
2013-01-23, 4041👍, 0💬

Negated decimal digit character class - \D
What is abbreviation of a negated character class of all decimal digits? Does it represents any characters except decimal digits? How to write a regular expression using a character class abbreviation to capture letters from a Canadian postal code string: L3R 9Z7 ? The predefined abbreviation of a n...
2013-01-23, 3947👍, 0💬

Decimal digit character class - \d
What is abbreviation of a character class of all decimal digits? How to write a regular expression using a character class abbreviation to capture signed integer numbers in a text string like this: from -32768 to 32767 ? The predefined abbreviation of a character class of all decimal digits is \d, w...
2013-01-23, 4197👍, 0💬

Using character range in a character classe [a-z]
What is a character range in a character class? How to specify a character range in a character class in a regular expression? I have a string of hexadecimal digits, 46594963656E7465722E636F6D and want to use character ranges in a character class to validate it. A character range defines a set of po...
2013-01-22, 3131👍, 0💬

Logical OR (Alternation) operation (a|b)
What is a logical OR operation? How to specify a logical OR operation in a regular expression? How to use logical OR operations to build a regular expression to search and count common spamming terms from this email paragraph: I am inviting you for a business deal where this money will be shared bet...
2013-01-22, 3072👍, 0💬

MasterCard credit card number validation
All credit card numbers issued by MasterCard must start with 51 through 55 and have 16 digits. For example, 5271190242643112 is a valid MasterCard credit card number. How to write a single regular expression to validate a MasterCard credit card number described above? Here is the regular expression ...
2013-01-22, 9907👍, 0💬

American Express credit card number validation
All credit card numbers issued by American Express must start with 34 or 37 and have 15 digits. For example, 346997719493686 is a valid American Express credit card number. How to write a single regular expression to validate a American Express credit card number described above? Here is the regular...
2013-01-22, 10589👍, 0💬

Visa credit card number validation
All credit card numbers issued by Visa must start with a 4 and have 13 or 16 digits. For example, 346997719493686 is a valid Visa credit card number. How to write a single regular expression to validate a Visa credit card number described above? Here is the regular expression for Visa credit card nu...
2013-01-22, 4462👍, 0💬

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