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Parsing Windows TREE Command Output
Regex for parse output of Windows TREE command. For example:
Folder PATH listing Volume serial number is 8704-028C C: +---BIOS | \---E0CN23WW | E0CN23WW.exe | +---driveri | 0rww03af.exe | 2tl502af.exe | 2tl602af.exe | 365.10-notebook-win10-64bit-international-whql (1).exe | bob501af.exe | e0cn23ww_ia32.exe | +---drivers | +---Bluetooth Driver | | | 0x0402.ini | | | 0x0403.ini | | | | | +---BT_Driver | | | \---Win10X64 | | | bthvirtual.cat | | | bthvirtual.inf | | | rtka2dp.cat | | | RtkA2dp.inf | | | RtkHfp.sys | | | | | \---Release notes | | readme.txt | | Release_RTKBluetoothE.txt | | | +---Camera Driver (Gennis, Realtek) | | | DeDrvLdr.ini | | | Install.exe | | | | | +---10.0.10120.11122 | | | | data1.cab | | | | data1.hdr | | | | data2.cab And so on ...
I need way to create folder and file structure from output like that.
✍: Excrucio
Hi Excrucio, You can try the following logic:
1. Loop through the output one line at a time 2. Use ^.*[+\]---(.*)$ to match for a folder name 3. Do what needed for the folder 3. Use ^(?!.*[+\]---).*\| +(.+)$ to match for a file name 4. Do whatever needed for the file
2016-06-23, 0👍, 0💬
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